Thursday, March 14, 2013

All About Mustache♥

Hallo readerku yang paling imut, kece"..*eakkk
Maafkan saya yang sudah berbulan bulan, berhari hari, berabad abad *perasaan kebalik dehh* hahah.. EGP.^^
wokeeyy, back to topic..
Sekarang ada yang lagi trendy di kalangan muda, apa laagi bagi yang selalu merhatiin Style-nya.. yoii.. salah satunyaa.. MUSTACHE. Pasti pada tw kan.. bagi yang belum tw yukk cekidot~

Banyak sih macemnya si Mustache unyu ini..
yupp.. ada yang mulai dari sepatu, sendal, kaca mata, skin BB, tas, kalung etc..

                                                              Ini nih bentuk Mustache  

                                                              Ini nih tasnya.. lucu kan :*
                                                     Ini cincinnya, cocok tuh di jari kalian :$
                                                              Sepatunya nihh ~ :$

Kalo pada mau nglengkapin koleksinya.. Kadang temen-temen sekolah sih beli di ol shop~ kadang di Mall juga ada kok,. pada  ngiler yaaa liatnya :P #hihihi cepetan lengkapin koleksimu., ketinggalan model lhoo nantinya .. nangis dehh *nahh loh* :P



My Freak Day (˘̩̩ˆ˘̩ƪ)

    At Sunday morning, Ella must wash her shoes, her shoes was dirty, she bring that shoes for outbond. She wash that shoes in backyard her home.

    She opened water faucet and started wash her shoes. After the shoes wet, she added some soap. After that she was watering again with water.

    After the shoes clean, Ella was drying her shoes athot place. She was waiting her shoes until dry. Long long time she waiting her shoes but that shoes not dry. She stay wait and sit in a chair.

    But, over time.. she fall a sleep. She was dreaming a MEDUSA. In her dream she with her friend-Cania. They must find three diamonds. They find 2 diamonds and less 1. That place in "Garden Aunt May". They find that diamond, but they meet Medusa. Ella say to Cania don't see Medusa, but Cania not listening what Ella say. When she open her eyes, She turned to a stone.

    Because that dream so fun, she forgot her shoes. Sudenlly  rain came to Ella's house and her shoes very very and  very wet. She woke up. Then, Ella check her shos and... Ella was getting SHOCK! bcause she just now finished her shoed, then she was crying( •́ ̯•̀)σ 

    Re-orientation : Then, Ella was felling bored, and she wash her shoes again, she promises not sleep again. Finally, the shoes dry, and the next day she can wear it (з ´ ⌣ ` ε)

- By: Yashinta Petrina 8D-35-